Re-Call for Papers: the 15th Somali Studies International Association Congress
Theme: Reconstructing and Developing the Somali Nation Congress Dates: December 15-18, 2024 Location: Jazeera Hotel,…
Theme: Reconstructing and Developing the Somali Nation Congress Dates: December 15-18, 2024 Location: Jazeera Hotel,…
Somali National University has introduced an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) which consists of 5…
Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ayaa ka qeyb gashay carwada bandhiga wax qabadka ee dowlada. Jaamacadda ayaa…
Muqdisho, Axad, 18 Agoosto, 2024 – Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare, Mudane Faarax…
Waxaa la ogaysiinayaa Ardayda danaynaysa in ay ku soo biiraan Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed sannad tacliimeedka…
Kulliyadda Qaanuunka Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed waxay u hambalyeyneysaa ardaydeeda Qaanuunka ka qalinjebisay ee ku baasay…
Dhammaan ardayda doonaysa inay kusoo biiraan (English Program)-ka Kulliyadda Luqadaha ee Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, Waxaa…
Waxaa la ogaysiinayaa Ardayda danaynaysa in ay ku soo biiraan Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed sannad tacliimeedka…
Dhammaan ardayda doonaysa inay kusoo biiraan (English Program)-ka Kulliyadda Luqadaha ee Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, Waxaa…
Overview: This One-year postgraduate diploma provides students with advanced training in epidemiology and biostatistics and…
19/02/2024, Muqdisho:- Dhamaan Waxaan ogeysiineynaa Aradayda, Macalimiinta, Waalidiinta iyo Bahda Waxbarashada ee Dalka, In ay…
The Somali National University (SNU) was established in 1954 in the Trust Territory of Somalia. It obtained official university status in 1969.
The main university grounds were situated about six kilometers from the city center. Here, during the institution’s first thirty years, the main campus was known as Jaamacada Gaheyr (“Gaheyr University”).
In 1973, under the Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC), programs and facilities were expanded. The SNU developed over the next twenty years into an institution of higher learning, with 13 departments, 700 staff and over 15,000 students.
The Somali National University was established in 1954 in the Trust Territory of Somalia. It obtained official university status in 1969.