Strategy and Objectives
The SNU strategy is based on the following principles: 1. Responds to the urgent need for highly qualified professionals and specialists necessary for the rebuild of the country. 2. Hands on based learning and practical experience. 3. Accessibility and Equitability.
The objectives of the Somali National University are: 1. To develop a world class public University that contributes the attainment of rapid development and quick transformation of every aspect of the social life, 2. To produce a sufficiently well trained professional workforce that satisfy the professional need of the country in the field of socio-economic development, science and technology. 3. To advance the knowledge by exploiting the technological progress and advancement of the science so that it spreads the scientific knowledge to the society. 4. To advancement the economically and socially relevant researches. 5. To participate, through research, academic debates and scientific conferences, the enhancement of the public administration.