FMS Graduation Ceremony

On September 24, we successfully held the graduation ceremony for the Women, Peace, and Security program, jointly organized by the Ministry of Women and Human Rights of Somalia and the Somali National University. This program was funded by the UNDP Somalia office. A total of 40 participants graduated, representing the regional administrations of South West,…

Re-Call for Papers: the 15th Somali Studies International Association Congress

Theme: Reconstructing and Developing the Somali Nation Congress Dates: December 15-18, 2024 Location: Jazeera Hotel, Mogadishu, Somalia Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 22, 2024 The Somali Studies International Association (SSIA) invites academic researchers, scholars, and experts to submit abstracts for the 15th SSIA Congress. This landmark event will be held in Mogadishu, the capital of…

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Somali National University has introduced an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) which consists of 5 levels, in order to improve the learning capacity by improving their language efficiency of the English language. This program will be mandatory for all new students joining the university for the 2024-2025 academic year and beyond. Students will take both…

Is-qorista Ardayda Cusub ee Barnaamijka Af Ingiriisiga Degdegga (Intensive English Program) ah oo Bilaabatay

Dhammaan ardayda doonaysa inay kusoo biiraan (English Program)-ka Kulliyadda Luqadaha ee Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, Waxaa la ogaysiinayaa in 1 bisha September, 2024 laqaadan doono Arday cusub. Is diiwaangelinta waxa ay ku eg tahay (20 October 2024). Shuruudahaha laga doonayo ardayga xiliga is diiwaangelinta waa kuwan hoos ku qodban: 1. File ama (gal). 2. sawir oo…